Monday, May 4, 2015

WSU Communication Department Internship Self Evaluation

1) Intern's Name: Amanda Dixon
2) Internship Firm/Organization: Leftovers the Movie, Directed by Brittany Severance

Think seriously about your internship performance thus far. Reflect on the items below and use them to help clarify areas of strength and weakness so that you may improve the outcome of your internship.
3) This internship provides me with an adequate learning experience for my background.: I am assisting in coming up with a trailer idea and designing the website for the movie. Both of these are things that i would love to do on a bigger production scale. 

4) My mentor at this organization understands my goals and objectives.: Brittany is very passionate about her project and I feed off of that.

5) I did adequate preparation investigating the sponsoring organization and level of placement before accepting this position.: Brittany and I talked about what i would be helping her with during this internship if we did it. 

6) This organization expects too much work or requires more polished work than I was prepared to do.: Brittany does want this project to look as professional as possible so the ideas I am coming up with and the designs I have been able to come up with she is taking and sending them to some of her more experienced friends so they can clean them up.

7) I cooperate with my colleagues in our work or to accomplish joint goals at the organization.: Brittany and I meet every week to discuss ideas and progress.

8) I cope with annoying situations without losing my temper or poise?: There haven't really been any frustrating situations between Brittany and I. There is an issue with the person Brittany asked to do the music for the movie but she is the one in contact with him and while i agree with the issues that she has with the work he has presented, it is not my direct responsibility to confront him about it. 

9) I am eager to learn new skills.: I am very excited to learn how Brittany goes about editing her films and scene clips. As well as how to put together a DVD menu.

10) I find something new to learn even in the most routine tasks.: I am pretty easily excitable, especially when it involves something I am interested in.

11) I consider my internship position challenging and worthy of my talents.: Brittany did use my idea for the trailer and does seem to really value my opinion on things. 
12) My attitude toward colleagues and clients is helpful and concerned.: Brittany is the only client I am dealing with
13) I easily recognize clients' needs and then try and assist them.: I do everything I can to help Brittany with her project.
14) I demonstrate ease in initiating conversation with colleagues and clients.: Brittany and I communicate very easily
15) I show confidence and poise in dealing with colleagues and clients.: I am confident in my ideas but also understand that Brittany has the final say because it is her project.
16) This organization can point to me with pride as one of their employees.: Brittany is going to list me in the credits for the movie, so I assume that is because she is happy to have me on the project.
17) I approach all tasks, even low level ones, with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence.: I am trying my best
18) My work patterns and quality of work produced justify the time and money the firm is investing in me.: I know that the quality of my work isn't at a professional level but Brittany does seem to like my ideas.

19) I look forward to each day enthusiastically.: I do enjoy our meetings

20) Although this internship is a short-term position, I am personally committed and involved for the present.: I also intend to help Brittany with this project until it is complete even if it take a little longer than the allotted internship time.

21) This internship experience has helped me clarify future goals.: Making commercials and promotional pieces for film is something I have always been interested in and this experience has only increased my interest in the area.

22) Describe areas of personal interest and ability that you had not been aware of before working for this organization.: I now understand more of what goes into making a movie and I am interested in learning more and being involved in the process more in other projects.

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