Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 3

Leftovers the movie was shot over the summer and Brittnay has been working on editing since they wrapped filming. the editing is done bit the color correction, sound editing and music overlay is still on the to-do list. I am helping Brittnay with the musical and sound decisions before we send it off to a sound producer who is going to finish the editing. We are also going to me meeting with a composer who is writing background and transitional music for us to use in the film. We also have gotten permission from a local band that Brittnay is friends with to use one of their professionally recorded songs as the film theme and it fits really well tot he message and story line of the movie.

All of those things plus creating promotional posters, editing photos for social media and the movie's website, helping finish and launch the movie's website, coming up with trailer ideas, helping create a kickstarter page, and finding professional film festivals the film would qualify for, are things that Brittnay and I have set as goals for both of us to get out of from this internship experience.

I overall am very interested in going into advertising for film so this project has been exciting to me since Brittnay and I first started talking about setting up and internship. The main things I wish to achieve through this experience is knowledge and experience plus getting to have a little bit of creative fun.

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